Do The Right Thing For Your Customers and Brand

Have you ever been hated for doing the right thing?

It’s never a fun position to be in.

You’re trying to help others—or live a moral life.

But, others despise it—and despise you.

They think you’re a joke.

Or an overachiever.

Or a fraud—a deceiver.

It hurts. It confuses you.

And often—you’re left alone.

Few come to your aid.

Why? Because they don’t want to be associated with the outcast.

Someone who understood this was a man named Anastasios Kephalas.

Christians know him as Saint Nektarios of Aegina.

St. Nektarios wasn’t just hated by anyone.

A group of his fellow priests and religious authorities couldn’t stand him.

The reason was simple—he lived out the Christian faith well.

  • He cared for the poor.
  • He gave a homeless man the shoes off his feet.
  • He loved others and prayed for their wellbeing.

St. Nektarios even punished himself when his students—aspiring priests—fought amongst themselves.

His sentence:

A 3-day hunger strike.

So moving is the story of St. Nektarios that a movie was made about his amazing life of self-denial and devotion to God.

I encourage you to watch it—Man of God.

I’ve watched his story a few times.

Each time, it moves me.

I know it’ll have the same effect on you.

Lesson 4: Do The Right Thing For Your Customers and Brand

What does a story about a 20th century saint have to do with building your brand?

I admit—it’s an interesting case study.

Here’s what I appreciate about St. Nektarios:

  • He showed up despite the hatred and odds.
  • He never lost sight of his true purpose—to love God and others.
  • He kept the faith—and finished the race.
  • He inspired others to do the same as he did—and brought many to the faith.

Are you willing to do the same for your brand’s purpose?

Are you willing to sacrifice your time, talent and fortune in pursuit of your calling?

Are you willing to help clients achieve true greatness?

Those are real, high level questions you need to ask yourself—and your team (if you have one).

Be bold like St. Nektarios.

Stand up for what’s right.

Deliver the best for your people.

Don’t take shortcuts that sacrifice long-term impact.

Leave a legacy for your family and company.

Help your clients get top notch results—and care for them.

Those are brands that last.

Love your people—and they’ll show your company love in return.